Being of Gold: Our Goal of Self-Perfection by Paulette Hadnagy
Being of Gold: Our Goal of Self-Perfection by Paulette Hadnagy
After an introductory text summarizes tenets that, central to the Mothers vision, lead to a quest for the ontological nature of being, the book presents a broad selection of her wisdom on issues pertaining to the goal of an ideal society. The ultimate social order, by necessity a reflection of ones inner nature, is constituted by individuals who have achieved perfection of being.
Integral Yoga, applied to life and society, is the lever: ones spiritual journey is not for oneself alone, but for the Divine and the transformation of the world. The volume is about the necessity of an integral transformation of being as preliminary to any attempt to bring about an ideal society.
No. of pages: 364 pages.
Size: 14.8 x 21 cm.
Please Note: The proceedings will be used to reprint the book.